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Farm Refrigeration in Hamilton

Location :

thames, Waikato

Condition :

Not applicable

Asking price :
$ 25.00
Shipping :

Not applicable

Payments :

Not applicable

About Comfort Group

0508 741 741

Member since 13-07-2020

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At Comfort Group, we offer a full range of farm refrigeration solutions in Waikato and the surrounding area including Hamilton, Thames, and Coromandel. We’ll make sure you get a solution that suits your specific needs. The solution we install for you will also deliver excellent performance and reliability.

The solutions that we offer include:

Dairy refrigeration solutions
Milk cooling solutions
Cool stores for a range of applications and types of produce

We’ll ensure the solution we supply is as energy efficient as possible to help protect the environment and also save you money. You’ll also get excellent aftersales support when you come to us. Give us a call on 0508 741 741 to find out more.

Fully Customised Solutions

We understand the importance of refrigeration solutions to your farm and business. We also understand the investment you make in a new refrigeration solution is significant. As a result, you will get a fully bespoke service when you come to us.

In addition, our farm refrigeration solutions are available only in Waikato and nearby areas such as Hamilton, Thames, and Coromandel. This ensures we can give all our customers the personal level of service required to deliver best-in-class farming refrigeration and cool store solutions.

Our services include comprehensive aftersales support and maintenance plans too. This will ensure your refrigeration solution continues to perform without unplanned downtime.

If you need a farm refrigeration solution and you are in Waikato, Hamilton, Thames, Coromandel, or nearby areas, contact us today on 0508 741 741.

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Type: Repair & Remodel

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